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Peak City Church

3 min read By July 23, 2021No Comments

What has been one of the most defining ministry moments in your life?

The most defining moment in ministry for me was the day I stopped comparing myself to others. Once I did that, I began to grow.

I grew spiritually, knowing that I was chasing God’s calling by the Spirit’s power rather than man’s approval through my own efforts.

I grew relationally, becoming a cheerleader for others, celebrating victories, and setting others up for success.

I grew healthier physically, focusing on just showing up and doing my best at the gym rather than having the best Instagram selfies.

I grew stronger as a leader as I became more teachable and allowed others to pour their wisdom into me.

I grew in joy because the thief of comparison was no longer welcome in my ministry.

What is your church known for in your community?

Peak City Church is known for serving and supporting the needs of our community. We volunteer our time, talent, and resources in our local schools, crisis ministry center, pregnancy resource center, underprivileged neighborhoods, and through local Habitat for Humanity builds, adopt-a-family ministry, and our town’s faith coalition for anti-human trafficking. We are also known as the church on our main street with smiling faces, waving to oncoming traffic, holding up pop signs letting everyone know they are welcome. Recently, some new families taking their next steps with us said that what makes us different is that we aren’t in competition with anyone. We are supporting every gospel-preaching church in our community. When they win, we win; because the Kingdom wins.

Choose one word to describe the story of your life or your church. Why?


The story of my calling is that I started saying “yes” to God as a teenager.

The story of Peak City Church is that God called my wife and me to plant a life-giving church, and we said “yes” to God. God called 41 other adults to do the same thing, and they said “yes” to God too.

The hundreds of people that have been saved by God’s grace at Peak City Church all said “yes” to God’s free gift of salvation.

Every time God opens a new door or sets a new challenge before us, our answer to Him will always be, “YES.”

Join us for ARC Conference this October, as we celebrate the stories that have made the past 20 years of ARC so special, and look forward to the many more yet to be told. ⁣⁣⁣Visit to register.

Your story is our story. We want to hear from you! Visit to share what God has done in you and your local church.

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